Governor Signs Porch Pirate Legislation
December 15, 2023
HARRISBURG—The Senate’s version of legislation sponsored by Reps. Kristin Marcell (R-Bucks) and KC Tomlinson (R-Bucks) has passed the General Assembly and was signed by the governor.
Senate Bill 527, now Act 41 or 2023, sponsored by Sen. Frank Farry (R-Bucks), is the companion legislation to Marcell and Tomlinson’s House Bill 696.
“One-third of Americans who shop online have had a package stolen,” Marcell said. “Here in the Commonwealth, package theft has impacted almost 2 million Pennsylvanians. When you consider the median value of stolen packages are valued at $50, you can see this crime leaves a sizable financial toll on families and businesses, not to mention the emotional distress of having your personal property violated.”
“Increasing penalties for mail theft will serve as a deterrent the way the current law does not,” Tomlinson said. “That will reduce the occurrence of these crimes and will lead to a safer and more secure community.”
Theft of mail is currently charged under other theft offenses based solely on the value of the item taken. Senate Bill 527 creates specific penalties for theft of mail, which includes a package, bag or letter. The grading of this offense would increase if the person had prior convictions for theft of mail.
Representative Kristin Marcell
178th Legislative District
Pennsylvania House of Representatives
Media Contact: David Foster
267-207-0207 /
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